

Our Committed Supporters

Carestack is funded by a diverse group of investment firms, foundations, and some of the dental world’s most influential supporters who are committed to transformative, system-level change over the medium and long term.

Every dollar invested in the organization has helped to leverage new features significantly increasing resources and support for incremental change in the dental industry.

Carestack is funded by a diverse group of investment firms, foundations, and some of the dental world’s most influential supporters who are committed to transformative, system-level change over the medium and long term.

Every dollar invested in the organization has helped to leverage new features significantly increasing resources and support for incremental change in the dental industry.

Current Investors

Eight RoadsSteadview Capital ManagementAccelF-Prime CapitalStraumann Group

Frequently Asked Questions

For queries contact

How much money has CareStack raised?

CareStack has raised a total of $145,000,000.

Who are the investors in CareStack?

The investors in CareStack are Eight Roads, Steadview Capital Investment, Accel, F-Prime Capital, and Straumann Group.

Who is CareStack’s most recent investor?

CareStack’s most recent investor is Straumann Group, who’s strategic equity investment and commercial partnership with CareStack was announced on July 12, 2022.

Is CareStack a public or private company?

CareStack is private company.