If you have an immediate question or are in need of assistance, please find support using your preferred method. Dedicated customer support teams are available to provide chat, email, and phone assistance.
Our Customer Support hours are Monday through Friday from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm; Saturday and Sundays are available from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm via chat or email. EST times. Holidays may affect these hours.
How long are the wait times for Customer Support?
We guarantee you will be in touch with a live Customer Support Representative via chat and phone call in under one minute, though most of our clients reports they don’t experience any wait times at all.
Are there any other immediate resources available to me besides Customer Support?
Absolutely! We have many article available in our User Resource Center with guided instructions on how to navigate the system and perform certain tasks. Additionally, you will complete CareStack University lessons during your implementation phase and will always have that material available to refer back to.
Where can I access Customer Support?
After you are logged into CareStack, open your System Menu and click on Support Chat which can be found under Support and Assistance.