

CareStack Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question about CareStack dental software, then someone else has likely already asked about the same topic. We’ve collected a list of the most frequently asked questions, so feel free to browse by topic to find an answer. And please don’t hesitate to contact our support team for additional information!

If you have a question about CareStack dental software, then someone else has likely already asked about the same topic. We’ve collected a list of the most frequently asked questions, so feel free to browse by topic to find an answer. And please don’t hesitate to contact our support team for additional information!

  • Operational Efficiency

    • Charting
    • Treatment Planning
    • Clinical Notes
    • Digital Imaging
  • Practice Growth

    • Scheduling
    • Online Scheduling
    • Reputation Management
    • Analytics & Reporting
  • Patients Experience

    • Patient Portal
    • Online Forms
    • Online Payments
    • Membership Plans
    • Text Messaging
    • Appointment Reminders
  • General

  • Company


4 Questions

Can I access the patient's chart remotely?

Yes, CareStack is a cloud-based system you can access remotely and also manage the access as needed.

Can we have chart notes pre-made to make it easier to chart notes?

Yes, you can create explosion codes for efficiency and accuracy.

How should you indicate a tooth is missing when dental charting and what will it look like visually?

When charting an existing condition for a missing tooth, you would mark the tooth missing or congenitally missing, and the tooth will be faded on the odontogram.

Can I access my digital imaging in the patient's chart?

Yes, your digital software integrates with CareStack, and you can access them from the patient's chart.

Still have questions?

Can’t find answer for what you are looking for? Please send a message to our friendly team!