
Clinical Notes

Online Dental Clinical Notes Software

With CareStack, completing clinical notes is a breeze! Choose to have notes triggered automatically upon proposed or completed treatment, and then create your desired workflow to complete them—before, during, or after treatment.

Use blast notes or templated notes for increased productivity, and add and merge notes to combine treatments. Launch the notes on specific codes or find them directly in your library. You can also assign notes to a specific provider and save them as a draft for later.

Then, choose who can finalize notes and decide if passwords are needed. Select finalize when ready to check it off your to-do list, but retain the ability to open an addendum at any time!

For the ultimate dental software, choose the solution that’s scalable for growing dental start-ups or large multi-site practices and still affordable for single-office dental practices. Choose CareStack!


Advanced Clinical Notes Features

Auto Launch

Auto Launch

  • Easy to Use

    Automatically launch notes based on procedure, type, or status.
  • Save Progress

    Finalize later for convenience.
  • Convenient Reminders

    Never forget a note.
Templated Notes

Templated Notes

  • Create Templates

    Build your notes based on the criteria you deem important.
  • Sort/Choose Templates

    Pick a templated note based on provider or procedure.
  • Combine Templates

    Merge multiple notes together.
Smart Logic

Smart Logic

  • Easy Start

    Use CareStack Smart Logic to launch a note.
  • Improve Efficiency

    Smart Logic will help you build your notes based on the answers you provide in your notes.
  • Avoid Redundancy

    Skip questions for your notes, based on your past responses.
Linked Notes

Linked Notes

  • Immediate Notification

    Have your notes populate when a specific code is proposed or completed.
  • Share Info

    Link a note to a provider or a CDT code or condition.
  • Set Custom Rules

    Create fields and form rules to make your clinical note process run more efficiently.
Easy Notes Monitoring

Easy Notes Monitoring

  • Note Tab

    Find completed, in progress, or to-be-started notes, ready when you are.
  • Pending Notes List

    Easily find a list of notes to be completed by provider.
  • Sign Your Notes

    Sign off on your notes with a password, based on the provider.

Benefits of Clinical Notes

Frequently Asked Questions

For queries contact

Are your notes customizable?

Absolutely! CareStack Care Notes can be blast notes, templates with clickable buttons, or fill-in.

When can notes be written?

Notes can be written by the provider at any time. Some providers choose to write notes before, during, or after a procedure.

Can each provider have their own notes?

Yes! Each provider can have notes built to their liking. Providers can specify want they would like to see on their own notes per procedure.

How do I finalize my notes?

Notes can be finalized from the main note screen or the incomplete notes List on the main dashboard, at any time. Click on the note, then finalize with a password (if you wish). Log on from home for convenience!