Online payments are an important feature for dental practices, providing a convenient & secure way for patients to pay. With any computer or mobile device, patients can pay without the need to write a check or handle cash. The result is a more streamlined & efficient payment experience, with less risk of errors and fraud.
Online payments can also help dental practices improve cash flow and reduce administrative burdens. By offering convenient online options, patients often submit their payments in a more timely manner. Furthermore, CareStack's all-in-one solution features automatic reconciliation, so you don't have to track down the patient's account to apply the payment. Don't miss out—contact us today to learn more about getting online payments at your practice!
For the ultimate dental software, choose the solution that’s scalable for growing dental start-ups or large multi-site practices and still affordable for single-office dental practices. Choose CareStack!
Patients have a single location to access electronic statements that detail the treatment provided.
Patients who have an email can log in to their Patient Portal anytime to view their eStatement.
Patients can make their payment online through the Patient Portal in the same convenient location where they can view their eStatements.
Patients who have an email can log in to their patient portal at anytime.
Patient can conveniently receive a text message regarding their payment due and pay their bill by clicking the link in the text message.
to utilize this feature, an account will need to be created with an integrated third-party merchant vendor, such as Apex or BluePay.
CareStack's all-in-one platform contains many additional related features, including: