
Plum Dental Group’s Growth Story: Seamless Transition to CareStack®

Learn how Plum Dental Group's switch from Dentrix to CareStack streamlined operations and fueled growth.

Feb 15, 2018 4 min read
plum dental group
home iconPlum Dental
user group icon200+ Staff Members
location marker iconConnecticut & Rhode Island
user icon120+ Providers
multiple locations25 Locations and growing
  • 40%

    Reduction in accounts receivable days from 20 days to 12.

  • Less than 10%

    Avg Broken Appt Rates, going as low as 2% (Against National Average of 18%)

  • #1

    Central Billing Team to manage claims and payments at all offices


As Plum Dental Group expanded to two states, they faced several operational challenges. The executive team identified that their current dental software, Dentrix, was causing significant issues. They had to deal with complex server management and a lack of data visibility across their locations.


Plum Dental invested significant efforts in researching a suitable solution to cater to their scaling requirements. After extensive exploration and careful consideration of all options, they identified CareStack's dental practice management software as a viable solution, which they expect will not only standardize and improve their operations but also serve as a catalyst for their upcoming growth phase.

“Now…we have a clear view of the data across all our offices.”

As we were growing, we needed software that could show us the data across all our offices. We did not want to own or manage the servers ourselves, which we had to do with Dentrix.

Dan Katz

Dan Katz

CEO, Plum Dental Group


CareStack’s Dental Software  enabled Plum Dental to combine tasks across offices, streamline communication with users and patients, and employ robust analytics for practice management . These transformative changes propelled their growth, facilitating the addition of more locations seamlessly. Some key steps that ensured a seamless transition from Dentrix to CareStack:

  • User Training and Onboarding

  • Streamlining the Conversion Process

  • Ensuring a Successful Transition

User Training and Onboarding

1. Training Plans

CareStack’s training team  worked with Plum Dental Group to identify user groups and create customized training plans for each group.

carestack training plans

2. Self Paced Trials

Users were provided a trial environment to try and learn workflows by themselves and gain confidence.

self placed trials

PS: CareStack University

Generic Training Plans don’t work. Training users specifically for their functional roles significantly improves their confidence and readiness to switch to a new system.

Start using the best in Dental Software

CareStack’s modern User Interface is easy to learn. You can also use our learning center to swiftly onboard new staff. Your team will thank you!

Streamlining the Conversion Process

CareStack’s training team worked closely with the Plum Dental team to design and implement training and onboarding  plans


Create an A-Team

Identify project champions at Plum Dental to create the optimal transition plan


Data Cleanup

Clean up unwanted data, including old fee schedules and plans


Data Validation

Users were able to validate the data in a test environment of CareStack


Best Practices

Set up workflows for best results, including recalls and scheduling


Brand Setup

Set up Forms, Logos and Social Media links for patient engagement

Ensuring a Successful Transition

  • Our training team worked with Plum Dental Group to identify the user profiles and groups, created customized training plans, took full training sessions and provided trial environments for self-learning
  • Our support and implementation team members guided the Plum Dental Group users through day-1 of cut-over for a smooth onboarding at every location
  • We ensured continuity and operational excellence through the 60-day free Customer Success Program post-go-live
  • Always available Chat and Voice-based support, along with text and video-based learning resources to help users as new locations were added.
  • 40%

    Reduction in accounts receivable days from 20 days to 12.

  • Less than 10%

    Avg Broken Appt Rates, going as low as 2% (Against National Average of 18%)

  • #1

    Central Billing Team to manage claims and payments at all offices

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